Sunday, January 27, 2008

What is the big benefit of using a IP Point-of-Sale Terminal over a Dial-up Point-of-Sale Terminal?

There are many benefits to use a IP Point-of-Sale Terminal over the old Dial-up Point-of-Sale Terminals.

However, before we get into the benefits let's just make sure we clear on the the basic terminology. IP means connecting through your High-speed internet connection, sometimes referred to as DSL, Broadband, and IP. From this point forward we will refer Point-of-Sale to "POS".

The three major benefits are:

1. Does not tie up your existing phone line(s)

2. Can add many terminals to one IP connection

3. High Speed Internet POS Terminals can process transactions in 4-5 seconds

If you currently have both high speed internet at you place of work and your current POS is connected to you phone line causing it to be not usable while you do debit and credit card transactions then you will find it huge convenience to upgrade your old Dial-up POS terminal into an IP POS Terminal because you will not have to worry about tying of your phone line anymore.

With an IP connection you can be on your computer surfing the net and still processing your sales through your POS machine, in fact, you could also have serveral POS terminals all running off one IP connection.

Therefore, if you are one of those merchants who has multi-check out stations with each their own POS Terminal and with each POS Terminal on it's own dedicated phone line then this will save you a ton in phone line expenses, for with IP connection you can run as many devices off one IP connection. Less cost then than paying for a second phone line.

You will also notice that IP POS Terminals can process transactions in about 3 seconds, which can really decrease lines ups at your checkout or if you run a business like a restaurant/bar you would be able to turn tables faster, etc. This usually makes both customers and staff happier.

This usually means more money for everyone too!

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